
The empty NV BETONBOUW was passed on October 9, 1975 by the sole shareholder Mr. J. Kleijn and this is how the company was born, which is currently active in Curaçao, Aruba, Bonaire and St. Maarten.

co kleijn - founder betonbouw curaçao
Co Kleijn 1932 - 2017

Betonbouw BV remains true to the same principles on which our company was founded 45 years ago that are focused on the long term. 

Building on values of the founder of Betonbouw mission is to deliver projects with the highest quality and trust. All within budget and to the benefit of our customers, employees and communities. Co Kleijn’s core values still represent how we deal with our customers, vendors, subcontractors, employees and our community.

Recordar es Vivir

werknemers betonbouw curacao 1975
After completion of one of our first projects - 1975

BETONBOUW started with one supervisor and eight employees. The first smaller constructions were carried out with these first group of people. With the award of the harbor office, a second supervisor could be recruited.

As the first contractor in Curaçao, the construction of public houses started in collaboration with Fundashon Kas Popular (FKP).

BETONBOUW also realized many projects in the field of non-residential construction, commercial, renovation and industrial construction.

Now BETONBOUW’s head office is located in Curaçao and is also in operation in Aruba, Bonaire and the Windward Islands.


Betonbouw 45 years (1975-2020)

Older (Civil) Construction Projects

Fortuna Ariba

Wind Turbines at Tera Kòra

Landhuis Ronde Klip

Curinde Industrial Area Brievengat

SGR Emmastad

Caprilles Clinic - Apartment Complex

Eigen Woning Plan (EWP) - Cas Cora

Pos Cabai Buildings

Vidanova Bank (SFT)

Bloempot Shopping Centre

Lions Dive


Betonbouw - Headquarters

Avila Beach Hotel

Ara Hill Top Offices





Waterzuivering Klein Hofje

Woningprojekt Klein St. Michiel (1)

Woningprojekt Klein St. Michiel (2)